Dig this!
Booming economy, econonmic engines firing all cylinders, rupee strongest against dollar, GDP of over $ 600 billion, the second fastest growing nation in the world (GDP real growth) .... blah blah!!..how about some ground realities....
- 25% of our population lives on income levels of 360$ per annum (translation = one dollar / day, Rs 50 per day to survive... More translation: dont read percentages....then see the data 25% of over 1 billion...is below poverty line)
- literacy levels in some of the states well below 50% (case in point - Bihar)
- Chandigarh which boasts of highest per capita income has the lowest sex ratio (need I say more......gender issue still prevails i guess..)
- we add 2,00,000 engineers to our population every year (do all of them get jobs??)
- Manufacturing still consitute only around 17% of the GDP (investment commission data), but has the highest employability ratio...and our competitors are learning English faster than the speed of light (impending doom!)...
there is a lot more data which portends a different story, but will save all of you from that...
I know that one man's ceiling is another man's floor, but there seems to be crowd gathering .....staring at the ceiling.....my only fear...driven by famished bellies and pseudo-secularists, the crowd or mob of masses as i would coin it, should not become our cassandras....we should not end up fighting another monster from within...