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Intertwined cobwebs of complexities, apocalytic prophecies shaking the faith in being, perched atop the tallest mountains, reminiscence of the sweet lullaby...shackled in my primitive thoughts...prisoner of my past...the time stands still, can you hear the clock tick...as weird and as deep as the thoughts shared...my drivers are - conviction and belief

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dig this!

Booming economy, econonmic engines firing all cylinders, rupee strongest against dollar, GDP of over $ 600 billion, the second fastest growing nation in the world (GDP real growth) .... blah blah!!..how about some ground realities....

- 25% of our population lives on income levels of 360$ per annum (translation = one dollar / day, Rs 50 per day to survive... More translation: dont read percentages....then see the data 25% of over 1 billion...is below poverty line)

- literacy levels in some of the states well below 50% (case in point - Bihar)

- Chandigarh which boasts of highest per capita income has the lowest sex ratio (need I say more......gender issue still prevails i guess..)

- we add 2,00,000 engineers to our population every year (do all of them get jobs??)

- Manufacturing still consitute only around 17% of the GDP (investment commission data), but has the highest employability ratio...and our competitors are learning English faster than the speed of light (impending doom!)...

there is a lot more data which portends a different story, but will save all of you from that...


I know that one man's ceiling is another man's floor, but there seems to be crowd gathering .....staring at the ceiling.....my only fear...driven by famished bellies and pseudo-secularists, the crowd or mob of masses as i would coin it, should not become our cassandras....we should not end up fighting another monster from within...

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