About Me

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Intertwined cobwebs of complexities, apocalytic prophecies shaking the faith in being, perched atop the tallest mountains, reminiscence of the sweet lullaby...shackled in my primitive thoughts...prisoner of my past...the time stands still, can you hear the clock tick...as weird and as deep as the thoughts shared...my drivers are - conviction and belief

Friday, November 16, 2007


The court of law finally put an end to the 'peeves' of many by allowing consumers , who are registered in the DO NOT CALL list, to file against the service provider if they recvd any marketing / promotional message (intrusive marketing?!)

but the more important question is - all those who are still not part of the DNC list (might be because of technical incompetence or plain lethargy, case in point 'your's truly') why are they being sent these intrusive messages? have the marketing geniuses behind this done any cost-benefit analysis? If you torture the numbers, they will tell you the story you want...but intuitively, does it make sense ..... how productive / effective the idea of bombarding cell phones with marketing messages is?......


Tina Tandon said...

People do read, so write in more often! And you can write, quite good actually, so dont give up just be a bit more regular!

Chandni Moudgil said...

Hey Shitij

Discovered your space , while i was looking for something interesting to read...
Two things that i must write before i head back to the 'real world'

It came as a nice surprise to see more of the kind who are dedicated to the power of the written word - and you ve been around already for over an year!

Its refreshing to see opinions / views / ideas / reactions all at one place - just the way i would 'express myself'

would read all your posts ( sadly there arent too many )

hope you find enough inspiration soon enough ( coz i truly believe its NOT LACK OF TIME that can hold you back)

looking forward to more conversations on your page

happy blogging
